Canton Zürich (ZH)

Bevölkerungsverzeichnisse der Synode Zürich 1634-1727
(Population registers of the Zürich Synod 1634-1727)

Population registers exist for most of the villages and towns in Canton Zürich as well as in other areas under the rule of Zürich (like parts of the St.Gallen Rhine Valley). The registers were produced for the Synode in May and were required to be sent to the church administration in Zürich.
Such registers for Thalwil and Langnau am Albis exist for the following years: 1634, 1637, 1640, 1650, 1671, 1677, 1683, 1690, 1707 and 1727. These registers have been transcribed by John Eichholzer.

The names and dates have been transcribed to the best of the author's knowledge; however, in some cases the quality of the records have made the translations very difficult to read, and some variation in the names may appear. In some cases there is additional information in the registers i.e. relationships, occupations etc. If a person of interest has been found in these registers please contact who will look up the original documents to see if there is additional information available.

These transcriptions are published here in pdf format, sorted by either the father's or the mother's surname:
Langnau am Albis (sorted by father's surname) Langnau am Albis (sorted by mother's surname)
Thalwil (sorted by father's surname) Thalwil (sorted by mother's surname)

All lists consist of a first and a second part: in order to fit the data on normal (A4 or letter) paper only the first 4 children are listed in the first part. If 4 children are listed for a given entry, readers should check the latter part of the document where additional children (5 or more) might be found (the same entry line number will appear).

In the Thalwil lists place names are occasionally abbreviated:
Gatt. mmmm Gattikon mmmm
Ludretikon D Ludretikon Dorf
Metli/Tische Metli/Tischenloh

A complete index of all registers available at the Zürich State Archive is available for download.

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This page is maintained by Wolf W. Seelentag (data provided by John Eichholzer). / Last updated 31 March 2006.
Please forward any comments and/or additions to this webpage to the WebMasterCH.