Canton Basel-Stadt Genealogical Records

Index / A-Z

If you haven't done so already, it is recommended to read the introductory notes first.

In 1833 Basel was divided into Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft. Basel-Stadt consists of 3 communities: Basel, Bettingen, Riehen. All church records have been filmed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Another important source is the genealogical collection of Dr. Arnold Lotz, covering almost all historical families of Basel-Stadt: Privatarchiv 355C (completed genealogies) and Privatarchiv 355D (selected notes)

Genealogical records by Canton / Genealogische Quellen nach Kanton / ... / ...

Kirchenbuchverzeichnisse / church record inventories / Répertoires des registres de paroisses / Elenchi di archivi ecclesiastici

General topics | Allgemeine Themen | Informations générales | Informazioni generali

This page is maintained by Ed Baughman / Last updated : 02 May 2003 (wws).
Please forward any comments and/or additions to this webpage to : WebMasterCH.