Canton Luzern Genealogical Records

Index / A-Z /

If you haven't done so already, it is recommended to read the introductory notes first.

Most (possibly all) Luzern church records have been deposited at the State Archive, and have been filmed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Microfilms with dates after 1875 usually consist of Anniversarien (Masses for the dead), Bruderschaftslisten (Brotherhood lists), Firmungen (Confirmations) and Pfarrerlisten (Pastors Lists), however there are exceptions. Most of the very early dates are for Memorial Masses and Pastor Lists. As of the year 2002 there are 85 catholic and 8 protestant parishes.

For data after 1876 usually Civil Registry Offices need to be contacted. Canton Luzern consists of 107 communities in five (5) Districts (Amts), each district page contains a list of communities with E-mail contacts (incl. the Civil Registry Office, in many cases part of "Gemeindeverwaltung"). The Civil Registries are to be re-organised into 8 (max 10) large offices by mid-2004 - likely for Rontal/Ost, Süd-West, Nord, Stadt Luzern, Amt Hochdorf, Amt Sursee, Amt Willisau, Amt Entlebuch.

Genealogical records by Canton / Genealogische Quellen nach Kanton / Sources Généalogiques par Canton / Fonti Genealogiche per Cantone

Kirchenbuchverzeichnisse / church record inventories / Répertoires des registres de paroisses / Elenchi di archivi ecclesiastici

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This page is maintained by Ed Baughman  / Last updated: 09 April 2004 (wws).
Please forward any comments and/or additions to this webpage to: WebMasterCH.