Canton Obwalden Genealogical Records


If you haven't done so already, it is recommended to read the introductory notes first.

Unfortunately no Records have been filmed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Giswil: church records1630-1900 have been transscribed and are available on CD-ROM (Excel files, plus selected maps of the area)

Genealogical records by Canton / Genealogische Quellen nach Kanton / Sources Généalogiques par Canton / Fonti Genealogiche per Cantone

Kirchenbuchverzeichnisse / church record inventories / Répertoires des registres de paroisses / Elenchi di archivi ecclesiastici

General topics | Allgemeine Themen | Informations générales | Informazioni generali

This page is maintained by Dave Schmutz / Last updated 16 February 2016 (wws)
Please forward any comments and/or additions to this webpage to the WebMasterCH.