Canton Graubünden/Grisons (GR)

Rätisches Namenbuch (Vol. III): Kreisarchive (District Archives)

Introduction and Table of Contents / List of Communities / Abbreviations / Technical Terms / Community Archives / District Archives / Episcopal Bishopric Archive / Remaining Archives / The older church books / Printed sources / Periodicals & Magazines

Kreisarchive / District Archives (Seite/page 56)

221	Cadi
222	Rueun
223	Lumnezia
224	Glion
225	Safien
226	Trin
227	Razen
228 	Thusis 
229	Tumliasca
230	Schons
231	Avers
232	Rheinwald
233	Alvaschein
234	Sursés
235 	Belfort
236	Bravuogn
237	Davos
238	Klosters
239	Küblis
240	Luzein
241	Jenaz
242	Schiers
243	Seewis
244	Maienfeld
245	V Dörfer
246	Chur
247	Churwalden
248	Schanfigg
249	Val Müstair
250	Ramosch
251	Suot Tasna
252	Sur Tasna
253	Engiadin'ota
254	Poschiavo
255	Brusio
256	Bregaglia
257	Mesocco
258	Roveredo
259	Calanca
260	Gerichtsarchiv Ortenstein
261	Gerichtsarchiv Ruis
262	Archiv der Landschaft Rheinwald

This page is maintained by Pete Mattli. / Last updated : 09 March 2002 (wws)
Please forward any comments and/or additions to this webpage to : WebMasterCH.