Swiss Genealogy on the Internet |
symbols |
German Genealogy Pages |
"Swiss Genealogy of the Internet (SwissGen)" is closely connected with the "German Genealogy" pages : the Swiss pages are available from all servers of German Genealogy (plus a Swiss server). Several "German" pages apply equally well to research in Switzerland, and are therefore linked to from the Swiss pages. To help with page maintenance, and to make visitors of SwissGen better aware of what "German Genealogy" has to offer them, the following list of links serves both as an interface, and a summary of "German Genealogy".
Welcome to the German Genealogy Home Page !
Beginner's tips (FAQ for soc.genealogy.german, by Jim Eggert)
Regional Research, leads to the main collection of pages with genealogy-related information for Germany, Austria, (Switzerland), former German Territories and Settlements.
Worldwide Genealogy (Collection of Links)
List of FAQ's and Documents (ASCII-Format, maintained for our anonymous FTP site and Listserver, also leading to sample letters and other useful bits and pieces)
Language Selection / Sprachauswahl / Choix de Langue / Lingua Scelta
The symbols used in our logo are the genealogical symbols used commonly in Switzerland (and other German speaking countries) for
christening birth - marriage - death burial |