Swiss Genealogy on the Internet
Maps |
The overview site map starts at the language
selection page : in order not to make it too lengthy only the 4
first layers in depth are included, i.e. many pages will not be
displayed. To get a layer deeper the site maps below have been
defined, starting at the language specific topic selection page,
and displaying allmost all pages. Due to the crosslinks between
the different laguages, however, also some pages in other
languages will be displayed.
A few selected pages are not available from all SwissGen
servers, especially pages of mostly local interest, or
"inherited" pages to be incorporated into SwissGen;
until they have been completely incorporated, the original pages
will still be available from the Basel server only.
This page is maintained by Wolf W. Seelentag. / Last updated
: 01 July 1999
Please forward any comments and/or additions to this webpage
to : WebMasterCH.