Canton Bern Genealogical Records

Index / A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

Champoz - recorded in Bévilard Church Record
Champoz - Etat Civil 1798-1812
Champoz - Actes de notaire 1680-1722

Châtelat - recorded in Sornetan Church Book
Châtelat - Actes de notaire 1745-1769 & 1790-1798
Châtelat - Etat Civil 1797-1814

Clavaleyres - recorded in Murten Church Book

Corcelles - recorded in Grandval Church Book
Corcelles - Etat Civil 1797-1812

Corgémont - Eglise Réformé de Corgémont 1686-1875
Corgémont - Actes de notaire 1680-1708, 1682-1706, 1705-1743, 1733-1754, 1738-1760, 1762-1783 & 1784-1817

Cormoret - Actes de notaire 1666-1702 & 1688-1725

Cortébert - recorded in Corgémont Church Book
Cortébert - Actes de notaire 1684-1707, 1710-1716 & 1754-1786

Court - Eglise Réformé de Court 1741-1875
Court - Etat Civil 1797-1812
Court - Actes de notaire 1777-1798 & 1782-1793

Courtelary - Eglise Réformé de Courtelary 1674-1875
Courtelary Bezirk - Civil registration, ten year indexes 1792-1812

Courtelary District - Includes Corgémont, Cormoret, Cortébert, Courtelary, La Ferrière, Mont-Tramelan, Renan, St. Imier, Sonceboz (now Sonceboz-Sombeval), Sonvilier, Tramelan-Dessous (now Tramelan) and Villeret.

Crémines - recorded in Grandval Church Book

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This page is maintained by Ed Baughman / Last updated : 22 July 2002 (wws).
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